Monday, 18 September 2017

Longshaw / Hurkling Stone (circular) - Derbyshire (Peak District) - 16/09/17 - 5.5 Miles - Helen (Molly)

Info board in Longshaw car park.
The Hurkling Stone.
This excellent walk (and easy to read instructions) came from September's (Chesterfield) Reflections magazine.
Molly inspects Lady's Cross.
White Edge Lodge auditions for the new TWISTER movie.
Helen shows how incredibly daring she is, when it comes to climbing trees.
Interesting gate latch on the approach to Longshaw.

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Chesterfield (Trans-Pennine Trail) Circular - Derbyshire - 14/09/17 - 10 Miles

Today's walk was an exercise in using my new GPS. Like the previous model it is good for giving you an exact grid reference for your location. I did find the whole 'waypoint' concept, a waste and what's the point.
Nonna's coffee bar at Hollingwood Hub was the furthest reference point I used.
Who let the dogs out.
Ducks form an orderly queue for the next barge.

Thursday, 7 September 2017

Chatsworth / Carlton Lees (Circular - Reverse Direction) - Derbyshire (Peak District) - 07/09/17 - 8.5 Miles

Chatsworth in my hand.
The Bambi deer muck in with the sheep.
Straight up then.
The Red deer keep themselves to themselves.